회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일 영어 진행에 이은경입니다.
오늘은 최근에 괜찮은 TV쇼 본 적 있나요? 재밌게 보고있는 TV 프로그램이 있는지 물어보고 답해 보도록 하겠습니다. 대화 들어보시죠.
J: Have you watched any good TV shows lately?
A: Not really, to be honest. I've been so caught up with work that I haven't had much time for entertainment. Any recommendations?
J: There's a series called "Love Marriage and Divorce." I think you might enjoy it.
A: I saw that last year. Did you like it?
J: I found it interesting that each family had a different food story.
A: Food?
J: Yes, in these K-dramas people are always eating together. I love all the delicious food scenes. It seems that for Koreans, food is the language of love.
A: I know Koreans love watching people eating.
John이 제게 최근에 괜찮은 TV쇼를 본 적이 있는지 물었습니다.
Have you watched any good TV shows lately?
Have you –해 봤나요?
오늘 대화에서는 watched 본적 있나요?
Have you watched any good TV shows lately?
Have you heard David’s radio show?
들어봤나요? Have you heard
가봤나요? Have you been
Have you been to David’s house?
데이빗의 집에 가봤나요?
Have you watched any good TV shows lately?
최근에 괜찮은 TV쇼를 본 적이 있는지 물었습니다.
I've been so caught up with work.
일 때문에 바빴어요.
I’ve been caught up in my work.
일 때문에 바빴어요.
I haven't had much time for entertainment.
Haven’t had가지지 못했다.
I haven't had much time for entertainment.
Time for entertainment오락 시간을 Haven’t had가지지 못했다.
Haven’t had a chance to do that.
Haven’t had a chance 기회가 없었다.
Haven’t had a chance to do that.
그것을 할 기회가 없었다.
I haven't had time for entertainment.
오락 시간을 가진적이 없다.
Any recommendations?
추천 해 주세요.
Do you have any recommendations?
What are your recommendations?
What do you recommend?
There's a series called "Love Marriage and Divorce." I think you might enjoy it.
결혼작사 이혼작곡이라는 쇼가 있는데, 내 생각에 당신이 좋아할 겁니다.
I found it interesting that each family had a different food story.
각 가정의 다른 음식 이야기가 재밌다고 느꼈어요.
In K-dramas people are always eating together.
한국 드라마에서는 항상 사람들이 같이 음식을 먹어요.
I love all the delicious food scenes.
나는 음식이 나오는 모든 장면을 좋아해요.
I think for Koreans, food is the secret love language.
한국사람들에게 음식은 사랑의 언어 같다고 생각해요.
I know, Koreans love watching people eating.
한국 사람들은 사람들이 먹는 것을 보는걸 좋아하는 것으로 알고 있어요.
Have you watched any good TV shows lately?
최근에 괜찮은 TV쇼 본 적 있나요?
Have you watched any good TV shows lately? 표현 기억하시면서 오늘의 대화 한 번 더 들어보겠습니다.
J: Have you watched any good TV shows lately?
A: Not really, to be honest. I've been so caught up with work that I haven't had much time for entertainment. Any recommendations?
J: There's a series called "Love Marriage and Divorce." I think you might enjoy it.
A: I saw that last year. Did you like it?
J: I found interesting that each family had a different food story.
A: Food?
J: In these K-dramas people are always eating together. I love all the delicious food scenes. It seems that for Koreans, food is the language of love.
A: I know Koreans love watching people eating.
Everyday English VOA 매일 영어 오늘은 Have you watched any good TV shows lately? 최근에 괜찮은 TV쇼 본 적 있나요? 한국 드라마 얘기를 영어로 나눠봤습니다.
기사 및 더 읽기 ( [VOA 매일 영어] 최근에 괜찮은 TV쇼 본 적 있나요? - 한국어 방송 - VOA Korean )https://ift.tt/qT8w5gj
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